Are you suffering from health complications and are looking for an immediate and simple remedy to treat leg problems?
Compression socks are well known for medicinal purposes. Medical grade compression socks offer advanced benefits for all gender irrespective of any profession and it helps in reducing the risk of many venous problems from developing in one’s lower extremities. It is highly beneficial to choose the best medical compression socks to attain effective and advanced results. Medical compression socks can be procured at any nearby medical store or from Online Nabee Socks.

Medical compression socks are designed to improve circulation, reduce pain and swelling in the leg and feet. This further reduces the chances of circulatory issues like deep vein thrombosis from occurring. Individuals who wear medical compression socks tend to be more comfortable and a drastic improvement is observed in their performance of sports and people are at lower risk of developing chronic medical conditions.
How medical-grade compression socks work?
Medical compression socks are snug-fitting, stretchy socks that squeeze the feet and legs gently. These compression socks offer most compression around the ankles with gradually lesser compression as it goes upward towards the calves, knees, or thighs. Compression socks work against gravity i.e. it helps blood to flow back to the heart. If anything impedes the flow, it could pool in the veins of the legs. This helps in preventing aches, leg fatigue, or swelling, increasing the risk of a venous clot developing. Medical Compression socks prevent blood clots by providing compression to the superficial outer vein in the leg.
What are the types of medical-grade compression socks?
Different type of compression socks for men and women include:
Graduated compression socks- these offer the highest level of compression at the ankle. These socks decrease the compression level progressively towards the top of the leg depending on the length of the socks. The diameter of the distended veins reduces and the speed of blood flow increases. These socks ensure valve effectiveness, reduces venous pressure, prevent venous stasis, prevent weakening of venous walls, and helps in relieving heavy and sore legs.
Anti-embolism socks- these compression socks are designed especially to meet the requirement of people who are not mobile i.e. individuals who had undergone any surgery or are in severe pain. These socks provide gradient compression. The main aim of this is to help decrease the possibility of developing deep vein thrombosis.
What is the different compression level of Medical compression socks?
Medical compression socks or stockings are measured in millimeters of mercury. Compression socks are considered to be medical grade when they are 20-30 mmHg and more.
Benefits of different compression level are:
Medium compression (20-30 mmHg)- this is one of the most widely used medical-grade compression socks. This is highly suitable for individuals who are suffering from varicose veins, patients recovering from venous surgery, and pregnant women. This compression level prevents and relieves cases of varicose veins. This helps in the treatment of edema, management of active ulcers, and relieves superficial thrombophlebitis. These further prevent orthostatic hypotension or postural hypotension.
Pressure measured in |
Compression level |
8–15 mmHg |
mild compression |
15–20 mmHg |
moderate compression |
20–30 mmHg |
firm compression |
30–40 mmHg |
extra-firm compression |
High Compression (30-40 mmHg)- this is stronger medical-grade compression socks that are recommended for moderate to severe leg health symptoms. This helps in treating the patient with lymphedema, severe varicose veins, venous reflux disease, and deep vein thrombosis.
Very High Compression (40-50 mmHg)- compression socks with these compression levels are strongest and are not recommended for ordinary use. Medical compression socks must be recommended by a doctor. This level of compression socks is highly indicated for severe venous stasis, wound management, and lymphedema. This treats acute leg and ankle swelling.
What are the advantages of wearing medical compression socks?
Medical Compression socks work by increasing blood and lymphatic flow. Compression socks provide comfort to individuals with varying levels of physical activity or medical needs.
Advantages of wearing medical compression socks according to the profession include:
- Office Dress Socks: medical compression socks as office dress at work promote blood flow to the heart for those who are mostly sedentary throughout the day.
- Pregnant Women: medical compression socks for pregnant women are very helpful as it helps in increasing support and comfort. Compression socks provide relief from tired, aching legs and swollen feet and ankles.
- Nurses: Compression socks for nurses helps in providing relief to weary muscles who are active on feet throughout the day.
- Athlete: medicated compression socks aid recovery from post-run muscle fatigue. Compression Socks for athletes in getting rid of joint and knee pain or arthritis.
- Patient: individuals who are suffering from the venous disorder, edema, etc can be benefited from compression socks that improve circulation and alleviate swelling, and decrease the risk of DVT.
Medical compression socks must not be worn without the consent of a doctor. Seeking the consultation of a doctor will help in providing effective results.
Application of Medical compression socks:
Medical Compression socks for Plantar fasciitis:
Plantar Fasciitis is a common cause of heel pain. This involves inflammation of a thick band of tissue that runs across the bottom of the foot and connects the heel bone to the toes. This condition affects people whose activity ranges from sedentary to athletic. Compression socks for plantar fasciitis provide either mild or moderate pressure on hell and on arch support. Compression socks help to maintain a small amount of stretch through the plantar fasciitis i.e. reducing the pain. Compression socks are a helpful addition to the healing toolbox. This condition usually results from chronic cyclical loading of tissue on the bottom of the foot.
Benefits of wearing Medical compression socks to treat plantar fasciitis:
- Decreased pain and inflammation
- Reduces swelling and increase the support for arches
- Improved circulation
- Improved arch support without shoes
Plantar fasciitis is a condition that will have a negative impact on the quality of life. Wearing compression socks for plantar fasciitis is the first and only option that is a safe, longer-lasting method to ease the pain of foot ailment. Compression socks for this work by increasing blood flow to the foot. Foot compression socks for plantar fasciitis are designed to ease the symptoms. These socks are effective at solving a myriad of foot problems. These work by compressing the arches of feet that decrease inflammation.
Medical Compression socks for diabetes
Diabetes is a common disease in which the body is unable to produce or respond to the insulin hormone. Diabetes is a condition that results in the inability to regulate blood glucose levels due to abnormal metabolism of carbohydrates. This disease increases the potential for blood vessel and nerve damage that causes bad circulation and also leads to pain, cramping, and loss of sensation in the legs. Diabetic people usually experience blood vessel damage, vessel walls in the leg that lose their elasticity that further causes valves inside to pull apart.
Foot problems are very common among diabetic patients. Circulation problems may lead to peripheral edema around the feet, ankle, and legs. Diabetic compression socks are a reliable solution to improve the symptoms caused by nerve and blood vessel damage. Compression socks for diabetic nerve pain are a special type of stocking that fits snuggly on a person’s feet and legs. These are typically made of stretchy fabric that is customized to place more pressure around the ligament.
The best compression socks for diabetic people exert subtle pressure that wraps around the ligaments tighter towards the bottom of the foot and ankle and gets looser on the higher garment.
Benefits of diabetic compression socks:
- Improve blood flow to feet
- Provides cushion
Diabetic compression socks promote the flow of oxygen-rich blood to the muscles so that they can relax. Due to this, veins are pressured to push more blood flow back to the heart so that circulation takes place. Compression socks combat the symptoms of the disease by reducing swelling, pain, fatigue in the leg. Compression socks work to improve nerve sensitivity and further stop swelling. Compression socks act as support in managing diabetes. Nabee Compression socks offer world-class compression socks that address the problems diabetic can experience. The socks work to increase blood circulation in lower ligaments by preventing swelling and aching.
Compression socks for swelling
Compression socks are used to control swelling in the feet, ankle, and lower leg. The main function of compression socks is to prevent the buildup of fluid in tissue. Compression socks are helpful for treating swelling in feet and socks should be put on whenever the person gets up from bed or wakes up. Regular use of compression socks can effectively treat swelling. The main function of compression socks for swelling feet is to improve blood flow and reduce aching and swelling of the leg. This reduces the possibility of developing conditions that are related to circulation such as deep vein thrombosis.
Swelling around the feet and ankle causes discomfort and this hinders movement. This can be relieved and prevented with the help of compression socks. Compression socks are not like regular stocking instead it is medicated compression socks with certain specifications and requires professional fitting. Compression socks for swelling gently squeeze the leg that helps in promoting blood flow from the leg back to the heart. Compression socks help in relieving the pain in the leg or feet or reduce numbness. Nabee socks are a one stop solution in which one can find the best compression socks for swelling, support veins, and treat health disorders.
Compression socks for edema help in alleviating severe illness such as liver or kidney disease, restricting blood flow to limbs. Compression socks generate pressure to decrease fluid retention in the body especially in the leg and feet. These socks exert a great amount of pressure at the ankle and less pressure upward.

Compression socks for shin splints
Shin splint is a common condition that occurs when the muscle or tendons around the shinbone become inflamed. Inflammation usually starts on the inner edge of the shinbone. Pain around the shinbone is usually experienced as one feels dull or has sharp pain during touching or exercising. Shin splints are usually caused by repetitive motion and weight on the leg. People affected by shin splints are athletes, soccer players, and dancers. These are caused by increased intensity or frequency of exercise. Compression socks for shin splints keep down the inflammation.
Too much pressure on the shin inflames the layer of connective tissue. The compression supplied by the compression socks holds the bones, muscles, and tendons together so the vibration of the leg on striking the ground is reduced.
Benefits of compression socks for shin splints are:
- Maximize Blood Flow: compression socks stay tighter at foot and looser as it moves up the calf. Compression socks promote blood flow to shins but compression assists the body in moving blood to the heart.
- Relieve Pain: medical-grade compression socks help in relieving pain. Compression socks compress the injury site and help in keeping down inflammation. With the help of increased blood flow, these remove lactic acid and stimulate muscle soreness.
- Prevent Swelling and Stiffness: compression stocking reduces the possibility of swelling and stiffness. The removal of lactic acid helps in muscle stay fluid and hydrated.
The best running compression socks for shin splints keep the oxygenated blood flowing to muscle. The more oxygen cells have, the better will be the function. During exercise, the body produces lactic acid. This lactic acid has to be removed from the body as it contributes to soreness and decreased ability to perform. Wearing compression socks helps to make the injury feel better and initiates recovery. Increased blood flow helps to improve performance and decreases the rate of muscle fatigue.
Compression socks for varicose vein
Vein related problems are one of the most common chronic conditions. In Varicose vein condition, individuals usually experience heavy legs and swollen ankles. These symptoms occur when valves in the veins become damaged and one observes difficulty for blood to move up the leg towards the heart. Malfunctioning of valves results in the varicose vein.
Compression socks for varicose veins put pressure on the ankle and leg that compress the surface arteries and veins that help vein valves to function properly and blood to flow back to the heart with no hindrances.
Compression socks for varicose veins in feet help to alleviate symptoms like swollen ankle, heavy or aching legs, fatigue and pain, restless legs, and night cramps. Compression socks help to reduce the appearance and painful symptoms. These improve circulation and are designed to help the blood to flow back towards the heart. Compression socks improve the symptoms of varicose veins but little evidence supports the idea that eliminates them.
Compression stocking may not eliminate varicose veins but also reduce pain and swelling. Compression socks for varicose vein combat these effects by exerting pressure on the leg to encourage blood to flow properly.
Compression socks for varicose veins are the prescription garment that offers gradient pressure to encourage healthy blood flow. Compression socks fit tighter around the foot and loosen the compression as they move up the leg. These socks are designed to help the lower leg vein to push blood back to the heart by creating better blood flow.
Compression socks for neuropathy
Neuropathy is a condition in which nerve damage is commonly caused. Neuropathy in feet is painful and uncomfortable and this condition is usually observed in diabetic people. Compression socks for neuropathy provide cushioning to the feet and help to prevent injury to them. Compression socks are designed for material that holds the ability to wick away moisture and is a good thing for neuropathic feet and helps prevent foot ulcers and infections.
Compression socks provide an equal amount of pressure on various levels. This pressure is designed to support the feet and vessels within them. Compression socks work to keep the blood flowing in the right direction. This helps in maintaining the overall health of feet. Patients with neuropathy wear compression socks that relieve the pins and needles feeling. Compression socks encourage circulation by pushing blood flow back to the heart.
Side effects of compression socks:
Compression socks cause irritation or redness. These indicate that socks don’t fit properly. Compression socks cause infection. Redness is caused if an individual is not taking off on the stocking properly. Side effects must be taken care of and an individual must seek the consult of the doctor promptly and look for a possible way out to deal with these conditions.
Compression socks must be worn depending on the requirement of the individual. Nabee socks is an online store or shop for all the compression socks depending on various things according to type, size, and purpose.