Nabee Pattern Inspirations

purple flower nabee new socks







People frequently ask me, "Where do you get your ideas for your sock designs?"

Honestly, I get the ideas from all sorts of different places: socks I see on the street, a train line map, or even holidays.  Of course, I also ask my friends, family, and Nabee Socks supporters what they'd like to see next.

Nature inspired our upcoming patterns for this summer and one of them is pictured above.  The inspiration for this pattern was actually from a flower I saw while visiting my parents.  It was a deep purple with a yellow-orange center and healthy green leaves.  I was trying to think of new color schemes at the time.  I figured that I couldn't improve on nature and a new pair of socks were born.  Send us your feedback on what you think and what you'd like to see next :)


We haven't named these socks yet.  So, send us your suggestions via Facebook and Twitter!

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